so on saturday i went to the mall with ryan, bobby, emmanuel and travis to do some christmas shopping and take advantage of their 11pm christmas hours. as we’re driving away from my apartment we quickly realize the car has an extremely high concentration of gays, and being dramatic homosexuals we all start imagining the news headlines should we get into a crash. first we imagine linda steele on the global evening news stating in her man-ish deadpan that ‘five homosexuals were killed today in a tragic car crash’ and from there we quickly jump to newspaper headlines. ‘last dance’ is a contender and then, when summer of 69 starts playing on the radio, ‘winter of 69.’ so much gay, so little time.
after this hilariously morbid discussion we arrive at the mall which is crawling with shoppers in need of a fierce fashion fivesome, but quite frankly we’re too busy sipping from my flask and judging ryan for his desire to go into the crafting store to be of any service to the ill-dressed. i didn’t actually buy anything but i did get quite a good buzz going and had a fantastic time. i also bought east-asian ribena from T&T supermarket. as a sidenote, i love on the bbc website how they have the distinction between east-asian and south-asian as it is distinction that exists but that i previously had had issues defining.
anyway, after shopping, i met up with salloum and emily before heading over to ryan and bobby’s to again meet up with emmanuel and travis. it was a gay old night with re-staged coming out candid’s, dancing to kylie and, obviously, plenty of vodka. then it was on the buddy’s for a fabulous night of dancing where salloum danced like a lesbian and the rest of us did not. above you will find a fantastic drunken photo booth picture of emmanuel, me, ryan, and bobby. by the way, ryan was wasted.